Category: Debian

  • Webmin and Virtualmin installation on Debian

    Now that we have a fresh and clean Debian installation we can proceed to Webmin and Virtualmin installation. Althou installing Apache, MySQL and other stuff needed for a web server by hand is not hard and you can find a lot of support I prefer installing Webmin and Virtualmin to ease the administrative tasks. If…

  • Install a clean Debian on Virtualbox

    I don’t test my ‘ideas’ on live servers, nor do I keep unnecessary hardware around the house to play with them. So I use the other option in hand, a virtual machine. Despite the fact that this will be a VM installation of Debian, the idea for a very clean and basic installation is the…

  • Socks proxy for non-socks applications

    For several reasons you may want to use a socks proxy, but a lot of command line applications are not able to work with a socks proxy. wget for example is unable to work directly with a socks proxy. Also, configuring wget to work with a http proxy is a pain. You can’t specify the…